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Master of Science in Criminal Justice Studies Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the M.S. in Criminal Justice Studies, students will be able to:

1. Apply the primary concepts and assumptions of the traditional and contemporary theories of addressing crime.

2. Identify and critique efficient criminal justice standards while recognizing basic rights guaranteed to each individual both by state and federal constitutions and laws.

3. Examine the problems associated with ethical administrative decision-making.

4. Integrate issues of race, ethnicity, gender, age, and social class and identify how they affect the criminal justice system in terms of understanding social causes of crime.

5. Develop and apply research methods as used in the social or natural sciences, with a particular emphasis on the basic skills necessary to conduct (and direct) research in criminal justice agencies and related institutions.

6. Engage the Marianist tradition of education for service, peace, and justice as it pertains to local and national social justice, injustices, and inequities in the criminal justice field.