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Data Science, Analytics and Visualization

Program Director:  Dr. Rylan Chong
Program Faculty: Dr. Laura Tipton, Dr. Mark Speck, Dr. Matthew Cochran, Dr. Alexander Stokes, Mr. Johnny Aldan MPH, Dr. Junghwa Suh D.Arch., Dr. Maria Brownlow, Dr. Clifford Bieberly, Dr. Michael Dohm, and Dr. Helen Turner

Data Science, Analytics and Visualization Mission Statement

The design of the DSAV curriculum is stakeholder driven and reflects Chaminade’s mission and values. Part of the CUH mission is to serve our community and State, and the development of economic potential both at the individual level (empowering individuals with qualifications that promote access to high-paying jobs and social mobility), and at the population level (providing a workforce that supports the technology sector and creates jobs through increasing capacity of extant organizations or the development of start-up businesses) serves this mission. The program also has connectivity to Catholic Social Teaching and our Marianist Education Values. For example, the fundamental social justice issues that confront Hawai‘i (health inequity, food insecurity, climate insecurity, wealth gaps) require both economic development and data science as components of their solutions. Agency over data supports self-determination of under-served and under- privileged communities and, in the hands of community organizations and individuals, supports elements of Catholic Social Teaching such as the dignity of persons (rights to food, healthcare, preferential option for the poor, economic empowerment) and our Marianist values of education for service and justice, and adaptation to change. The Chaminade DSAV graduate or certificate holder will have excellent interdisciplinary technical skills coupled with an understanding of the ethical framework in which data are transformed to knowledge.